One Piece: Kaizoku Musou ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK

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Title in JP: ワンピース 海賊無双 オリジナルサントラ

Catalog NumberN/A
Release DateMar 01, 2012
Publish FormatCommercial, Enclosure
Release Price12390 JPY (Package Price)
Media FormatCD
ClassificationOriginal Soundtrack
Published byNamco Bandai Games
Composed byMASA, Shin-ichiro Nakamura, Hiroaki Takahashi

Products represented
One Piece: Kaizoku Musou
Platforms represented
Sony PlayStation 3 
01The King of Pirates メインテーマ1:30
02Biginning of Voyage メニュー画面2:54
03Story Telling ナレーション1:28
04My Pleasant Friends シャボンディ諸島4:12
05Prepare for Pirates オレンジの町3:27
06Theme of Buggy バギーのテーマ3:51
07I'm Gonna Take It 海上レスロラン.バラティエ4:36
08The Challengers ボス戦1.通常ボス2:34
09The End of a Battle 戦後評価1:45
10I'm Hungry! プレイヤー勝利0:12
Disc length 26:29

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